
Jukebox Bingo at the L.A.B.

Alewerks L.A.B. 5711-36 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg, VA

Jukebox Bingo is musical bingo! Dance, drink, and win awesome prizes! Bingo is free to play and family friendly. It's a great way to unwind. Most Jukebox Bingo nights are held on Thursdays, but some will be held on Wednesdays. Be sure to check back to make sure of the day!


Open Mic Night at the L.A.B.

Alewerks L.A.B. 5711-36 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg, VA

Check out Open Mic Night at the L.A.B. Wednesday night with the Lovecats. It's free to participate, and free to watch! If you're looking to perform, be sure to show up early so you can sign up. Performers are given 15 minute sets and sound is provided. Open Mic Night is about exploring new music,...


BINGO at the L.A.B.

Alewerks L.A.B. 5711-36 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg, VA

Head to the L.A.B. for BINGO! It's free and fun to play! Win prizes while hanging out with friends and sipping on your favorite brews. Try our pizzas! The L.A.B. is open from 12-8.


Punkulents Workshop

Alewerks L.A.B. 5711-36 Richmond Rd, Williamsburg, VA

Let create this living arrangement while we sip seasonal brews. I will give you a lesson in succulents and how to care for them with very little effort. Let me bring all the homegrown succulents and supplies and you bring a friend and get creative.
